Books attributed to Camden in the PLRE.Folger Database


The makeup of languages in which books attributed to Camden were printed, found in the PLRE.


The distribution of close matches, similar matches, and different works present within PLRE.Libraries relating to Camden, in a pie chart.


The makeup of personal identifiers assigned to owners of books attributed to Camden in the PLRE.Folger dataset.

There were 24 works attributed to Camden identified in the PLRE; 12 were in English, eight in Latin, two in Greek and Latin, and two in French.

Six of the works were identified as being close matches to our edition of Britannia. Ralph Newbery printed four editions between 1586-1594, and many more editions came after. Five of the works were identified as partial matches, and all five of them were also Britannia, however, four of them were English translations, and the fifth was unidentified but noted as likely being Britannia. The final 13 identified works were not matches but consisted of Camden's Annals of Queen Elizabeth, two Greek grammars he wrote, and a few other works.

Six books belonged to scholars, six to statesmen, and three belonged to women. Four of the books identified belonged to Members of Parliament and three belonged to diplomats. The last two identified belonged to a craftsman and a soldier respectively. The large proportion of the gentry owning a copy of Britannia is interesting and reflects the topic of the work. Those involved in politics and courtly life would find it important to study history, and this work as a topographical and historical survey of Great Britain would have been valuable to them.