Books attributed to Origen found in the PLRE.Folger Database


The makeup of languages of the books attributed to Origen found in the PLRE.

All of the 20 books attributed to Origen identified within the PLRE.Folger database were printed in Latin. Latin was at this point the main scholarly language. For an author of antiquity, it would have been expected that their works be printed in either Greek or Latin.


The distribution of close matches, similar matches, and different works present within PLRE.Libraries relating to Origen in a pie chart

13 of the identified books were considered a close match to our edition, and seven were considered partial matches. An interesting aspect of these partial matches is that 5 were entered as part of a multi-volume book, indicating that most editions of the complete works of Origen were likely bound in multiple volumes like ours.


The range of personal identifiers assigned to owners of books attributed to Origen in the PLRE.Folger dataset.

Of the 20 owners surveyed, 12 were scholars, six were clerics, one was a Member of Parliament, and one was a clerk of the Privy Council. This makeup of owners leaves us with the sense that the works of Origen were perhaps more interesting to scholars and the clergy.